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Tag: Hyperacusis assessment uk

Can smoking cause tinnitus?

There is a sufficient body of evidence that shows smoking can cause tinnitus. A recent review of 20 studies conducted on the topic found that current, former and ever smokers
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How to trouble-shoot your hearing aids

Why can’t I hear out of my Hearing Aids? There can be several reasons why you may not be able to hear out of your hearing aids. Some common reasons
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Some research suggests that hearing difficulties may increase the risk of emotional distress.

Hearing loss can indeed lead to anxiety and depression, as research has shown that individuals with hearing loss are more likely to experience these mental health issues. A study published
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Could hyperacusis be cured, and if so, how?

There is currently no known cure for hyperacusis, which is a condition in which sounds that are normally tolerable or even unnoticeable to most people are perceived as intolerably loud
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Is there a link between hearing loss and cognitive decline?

There is some evidence to suggest that individuals with hearing loss may have stronger senses in other areas, particularly their sense of vision. This phenomenon, known as cross-modal plasticity, occurs
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Having diabetes increases the risk of losing your hearing.

There is evidence to suggest that there is a strong link between diabetes and hearing loss. Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects the way the body processes blood sugar
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Is there a social stigma associated with using hearing aids, and if so, why?

There are several reasons why stigma may exist around the use of hearing aids. One reason is that hearing loss is often associated with aging, and there may be a
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Do stem cells have the potential to treat hearing loss ?

Stem cell therapy is a promising approach for the treatment of hearing loss, as it has the potential to regenerate damaged tissues in the inner ear, including the hair cells
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Impact of hearing loss on romantic relationships.

Hearing loss can significantly impact on intimacy in a number of ways. One way in which hearing loss can impact on intimacy is through communication difficulties. When an individual has
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The potential for hearing loss and tinnitus from some medications

Ototoxic medications are those that can damage the ear and cause hearing loss or balance problems. Some common ototoxic medications include: Aspirin (in high doses) Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such
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