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Category: Hearing Awareness

Understanding Otosclerosis: A Comprehensive Look

Otosclerosis is a common cause of progressive hearing loss, especially in adults. It refers to an abnormal growth of bone in the middle ear, and more specifically around the stapes
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The Importance of Regular Hearing Tests for Aging Adults with Tinnitus

As an audiologist, I have seen firsthand the detrimental effects that tinnitus and hearing loss can have on an individual’s daily life. Aging adults, in particular, are at a higher
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Fetal Hearing Development and Its Implications on Child Development

Introduction The development of hearing in fetuses has been a topic of interest for researchers, educators, and parents alike. This review looks at all of the current research and literature
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The Diagnosis and Treatment of Hidden Hearing Loss: A Critical Review

Abstract: Hidden hearing loss (HHL) is a prevalent auditory condition where individuals experience difficulty understanding speech, particularly in noisy environments, despite having normal or near-normal results on conventional hearing tests.
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Can hearing aids assist with issues of auditory processing?

Yes, hearing aids can assist with issues related to auditory processing disorder (APD). This form of hearing impairment is neither a form of hearing loss nor a learning disorder, but
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Some research suggests that hearing difficulties may increase the risk of emotional distress.

Hearing loss can indeed lead to anxiety and depression, as research has shown that individuals with hearing loss are more likely to experience these mental health issues. A study published
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Is there a link between hearing loss and cognitive decline?

There is some evidence to suggest that individuals with hearing loss may have stronger senses in other areas, particularly their sense of vision. This phenomenon, known as cross-modal plasticity, occurs
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Having diabetes increases the risk of losing your hearing.

There is evidence to suggest that there is a strong link between diabetes and hearing loss. Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects the way the body processes blood sugar
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Impact of Hearing loss on the quality of life.

Hearing loss can have a significant impact on an individual’s quality of life. It can affect a person’s ability to communicate with others, participate in social activities, and access information.
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Can deafness be cured with gene therapy? How close are we?

Gene therapy is a type of medical treatment that involves the use of genes to treat or prevent disease. It has the potential to be a promising approach for the
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